Model Farms High School

Achieving Personal Excellence Through Quality Teaching

Telephone02 9624 3133

Student Support Officer

Ms Rachael Holt is the current Student Support Officer (SSO) at Model Farms High School. The purpose of the SSO is to enhance the wellbeing and learning outcomes of students. This is done through working with students one on one, in small groups, or by implementing whole-school wellbeing resources/services (such as the Wellbeing Hub).

Working collaboratively with the rest of the Wellbeing team to support students, the SSO works Monday to Friday and can be located in the school library. Students can self-refer (see link below) and/or be referred by other school staff, such as the Learning Support Team, Year Advisors, Head Teachers, Deputy Principal and Principal. The SSO can support a student in areas such as bullying, developing self-esteem, resilience, conflict resolution, coping skills, or to be connected to local external support and youth services.

To access Student Self Referal, please click here Student Self Referral

To access the Wellbeing Hub, please refer to the link below:

More information can be found about the role on the Department of Education website.

Student Support Officer Information