Model Farms High School

Achieving Personal Excellence Through Quality Teaching

Telephone02 9624 3133

Year 11

In Year 11 your child will be expected to work harder and be more proactive in their study. It's a big step up from Year 10.

It's vital you attend parent-teacher information events this year. You'll receive important information on exactly what's happening this year and how you can help your child cope and succeed.

Homework, study and assessments

Students are expected to complete regular study in all subjects each week, without nagging them into doing it. It’s also a short year, with only 3 terms in the Preliminary course before starting HSC studies in Term 4. Encourage a regular and consistent study schedule from the first week of Term 1. Students should schedule time after school and over the weekend to revise, write summaries and practise sample questions.

At the beginning of the year your child will receive an assessment schedule, with the dates and weighting of all assessment tasks for the course. Review this together and add all tasks to a term assessment planner. for Terms 1, 2 and 3. Make sure it’s kept in a highly visible place so you can remind your child when tasks are coming up. Adding tasks to their smartphone calendar with notifications before the due date will also help remind them of upcoming assessments.

Students who leave school before the HSC may be eligible for a Record of School Assessment (RoSA). 


Physical activity is still important when study ramps up at school. This is the age many students drop sport, but it's important for them to continue to incorporate exercise into their schedule to help them manage stress as they prepare for the HSC.

Monitor your child's technology use. Research shows that the quality of study and learning suffers when students are frequently interrupted by texts, emails, phone calls or by flicking between homework and Facebook screens. Instead, tell them to schedule 10-minute breaks every hour to catch up on their social lives, if needed.

Thriving Through the HSC

2025 Assessment Information 

Year 11 Assesment Procedures

Year 11 Assesment Calendar

Year 11 Book and Equipment List 2025