Model Farms High School

Achieving Personal Excellence Through Quality Teaching

Telephone02 9624 3133

What is a School Council?

As defined by the NSW Department of Education and Communities, a school council is a group comprising of parents, the school principal, teachers, local community representatives and students. This group is charged with the responsibility for setting the goals and direction that a school may take in the future. Because of its composition, the school council plays an important role in making sure that the entire school ‘community' is involved in the decision-making process.

So what does this group actually do?

The school council provides valuable parent, student and community feedback to the principal and staff and as such contributes to shaping the future of the school. This helps to ensure that the high standard of professionalism and dedication at Model Farms is maintained, along with an ethos of continuous improvement.

The school council is not responsible for managing the school or choosing the teaching and learning programs taught in the school. It may however have input in relation to school policies such as student welfare, discipline, homework, academic results, along with assessing the school's financial needs and budgetary requirement.

When does the school council meet?

The school council meets on the first (1st) Wednesday of each month, during school terms.

How to become a member of the School Council?

Nominations are sought via the school newsletter at the beginning of each year. The only qualification required to be a school council representative is a willingness to help and improve the school. Further information can be obtained via the Contact the Council link above, or by contacting any of the aforementioned representatives.

How can I raise issues through the School Council?

The school council is eager to get the views of everyone within the school community. If you have something you'd like to tell us, you can:

  • contact any of the council representatives listed above;
  • email the school council directly at:
  • write it down and hand it in at the front office;
  • you can leave your name and contact details at the school office and a council representative will get back to you as soon as possible;
  • post your thoughts to:

The President

School Council

Model Farms High School

Gooden Drive


               Phone: 9624 3133  Fax: 9838 8407


The more we know about the views of everyone in the school community,

the better our decision-making will be.