Model Farms High School

Achieving Personal Excellence Through Quality Teaching

Telephone02 9624 3133

MFHS Parents & Citizens

Parents and Citizens' Association Incorporated (P&C)

Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers, and community members. The Model Farms High School Parents and Citizens’ Association  is a dynamic group made up of parents, carers, teachers, and members of the local community. We are committed to supporting the school and enhancing the educational experience for all students.

The P&C plays a key role in decision-making, policy development, and the creation of management plans that help shape the future of the school. Additionally, we are involved in organizing fundraising activities that provide valuable resources to support school programs and student welfare.

We believe that by working together, we can make a real difference in the school community. We invite you to get involved, share your ideas, and contribute to initiatives that benefit our students and school.

Welcome to the Model Farms High School Parents and Citizens Association (P&C)?

The Model Farms High School P&C Association is a proud, not-for-profit organization that plays an integral role in the life of the school. We act as a vital link between parents, school staff, and the wider community, with a shared mission to enhance the educational experience of our students.

Our P&C is dedicated to supporting the school’s programs and initiatives, providing valuable resources, and fostering a strong, cooperative relationship between parents, students, and staff.

The P&C Association exists to:

  • Promote the school’s interests by fostering cooperation between parents, citizens, students, and staff.
  • Support school facilities and equipment, enhancing the overall student experience and welfare.
  • Encourage community involvement in curriculum and educational matters.
  • Assist with school functions, including helping with events and activities that benefit students.
  • Advocate for the needs of the school, including reporting on material requirements and offering advice on school maintenance, alterations, and expansions.
  • Elect parent representatives to the school council and participate in merit selection panels for school staff.

As a not-for-profit organization, the P&C also manages the Uniform Shop, which provides uniforms to students and raises funds to support the school. For more information on the Uniform Shop, visit the "What we offer" page.

Why join the P&C?

Being a part of the P&C is a great way to stay involved in your child's education and help shape the future of Model Farms High School. Membership is open to all parents, teachers, and citizens within the school’s local catchment area.

Benefits of joining the P&C include:

  • Staying informed about key school events and issues.
  • Advocating for important educational and school-related matters.
  • Being a part of decisions that impact your child’s school experience.
  • Networking with other parents and school staff.
  • Accessing talks and discussions on relevant school topics

We welcome all parents and caregivers to join us – your participation makes a difference!

Become a Member

When and where we meet

The P&C Association meets at 7:00 pm on Wednesday evenings during school terms, on the dates listed below. Meetings typically last for about an hour. You are welcome to attend on a one-off basis or as a regular participant.

Unless otherwise advised, meetings are held in the Staff Common Room in Block 5 (Administration Block). Entry is via the Redmond Avenue entrance.

Why Attend?

Meetings are a great opportunity to network with other parents and stay informed about school activities. The P&C also periodically hosts talks on various aspects of the school curriculum and school life, providing an excellent opportunity for parents to gain a deeper understanding of their child's education and ask any questions they may have.

2025 Meeting Dates

Term 1                                         
Week 3 Wednesday 12th February
Week 6 Wednesday 5th March

Term 2
Week 2 Wednesday 7th May
Week 6 Wednesday 4th June

Term 3
Week 2 Wednesday 30th July
Week 6 Wednesday 27th August

Term 4
Week 2 Wednesday 22nd October
Week 6 Wednesday 19th November (including Annual General Meeting)

We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming meetings!

Who leads the P&C?

The P&C is led by a team of volunteer parents who take on leadership roles within the organization. At the Annual General Meeting (AGM), the P&C elects the Executive Committee, which consists of:

  • President
  • Two Vice-Presidents
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

The Executive is supported by committee members who manage specific responsibilities such as the Uniform Shop and event coordination. The P&C thrives because of the dedication and involvement of these volunteers.

Committee Members 2025

Our Fundraising and  Achievements 

The P&C plays a key role in fundraising for the school. Recent achievements include raising funds for:

  • Outdoor seating for students
  • Air conditioning in classrooms and the Uniform Shop
  • Water stations and bottle filters
  • Year 7 scholarships
  • Graduation stoles for Year 12 students
  • Support for Mathematics programs
  • Educational tools for the Industrial Arts department
  • Funding for the Languages program (e.g. Education Perfect)

These funds have directly benefited the educational experience of our students, supporting both academic programs and student wellbeing.

School Representation Grants

The P&C also supports students who represent Model Farms High School at regional, state, and national levels. Financial contributions are available to assist these students in recognition of their achievements. For more information, please refer to the School Representation – P&C Grant Policy.

P&C Grant Policy and Application Form

Contact Us

We’re always happy to hear from you! If you’d like to learn more about the P&C or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Executive team at:


Your involvement makes a real difference in our school community.

Constitution & By-Laws

The Constitution of the Model Farms High School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) provides a detailed framework for the operation and governance of the association. It outlines the key principles, objectives, and rules that guide the P&C's activities, ensuring transparency, fairness, and effective decision-making.

To ensure the smooth operation of the P&C, the Constitution is read in conjunction with the P&C Rules and By-Laws, which provide further clarity on the day-to-day functions and responsibilities of the association.

Key Documents:

Prescribed Constitution for Incorporated Associations

Model Farms High School Parents & Citizens Association By-Laws

Model Farms High School Parent & Citizens Association Sub-Committee Rules

These documents ensure the P&C operates efficiently and in the best interests of the school community. If you'd like more information or wish to view the full documents, please contact the P&C Executive team or refer to the relevant sections.