Parents and Citizens' Association Incorporated (P&C)
Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers, and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.
More information regarding the Model Farms High School P&C Association can be found in the information and links below.
What is a Parents and Citizens' Association?
Welcome to Model Farms High School. Our parents are proud of their school, and we have devoted much time and energy to supporting its programs.
The Model Farms High School Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is a not-for-profit organisation. It is an important part of school life - providing a valuable link between parents, citizens, and school staff.
It is established to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students, and teaching staff into close co-operation and to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.
What does the P & C Assocation do?
The Education Act 1990 states that P&C Associations are established to:
· Promote the interest of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation;
· Assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school;
· Encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other educational issues in schools;
· Report, when requested by the Minister, on the material requirements of the school and advise on the subject of maintenance of the school, alterations and additions to school facilities and the selection of new sites;
· Assist and co-operate with teaching staff at public functions associated with the school;
· Be responsible for the election of parent representatives to any school council constituted at the school in consultation with the principal of the school; and
· Assist in any other matters in which the Minister may seek the co-operation of the association.
· Represents the community on numerous merit selection panels.
The Uniform Shop is a service provided by the Model Farms High School Parents and Citizens Association to assist parents with their school uniform requirements.
More information about the Uniform Shop can be found on the "What we offer" page in the ‘Model Farms High School Uniform Shop‘ section.
Our P&C motto is Connecting Parents & Citizens with Our School.
One way this is achieved is through our monthly meetings which provide a forum to learn about and discuss issues affecting the education of school students.
Why should I become a member of the P&C Association?
Membership of P&C Association is open to all members of the school community: parents, teachers, and citizens within the local catchment area of Model Farms High School.
Participating in your child’s education helps student engagement and learning. This forum will keep you informed of key school events and issues.
The P&C enables you to advocate for issues important to you and your child. Your opinion is valued in decision making about school activities.
We are a friendly bunch and would be happy to welcome you.
When and where we meet
We meet at 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month, during school terms. Meetings generally go for an hour. You are welcome to attend on a one-off basis or as a regular participant.
Unless otherwise advised, the P&C meets in the Staff Common Room in the Block 5 (Administration block). Entry is via the Redmond Avenue entrance.
Meetings are a great avenue to network with other parents. The P&C periodically hosts talks on various aspects of the school curriculum and school life. These talks provide an excellent opportunity for parents to gain a greater understanding of the subject and ask the questions they feel most important in relation to their child's education.
2024 Meeting Dates
Term 1
Week 2 Wednesday 7th February
Week 6 Wednesday 6th March
Week 10 Wednesday 3rd April
Term 2
Week 1 Wednesday 1st May
Week 6 Wednesday 5th June *Meeting starting at 6.30pm
Week 10 Cancelled - No Meeting due to "Fame at the Farms"
Term 3
Week 3 Wednesday 7th August
Week 7 Wednesday 4th September
Term 4
Week 4 Wednesday 6th November (including Annual General Meeting)
Week 8 Wednesday 4th December
Who leads the P&C Association?
Each year the P&C holds regular meetings, as well as an Annual General Meeting.
One of the important functions of an Annual General Meeting is to elect the P&C Executive Committee - volunteer parents who are willing to take leadership positions for the P&C.
The Executive for our P&C consists of the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
There are also other leadership positions associated with the uniform shop and coordinating events.
Fundraising achievements through P&C Association
Our uniform shop supports the school's uniform policy and raises significant funds which are used to improve school resources and facilities.
Over recent years, the P&C have raised money to provide valuable resources and make significant improvements to our school to support the education and wellbeing of our children.
In previous years the P&C have provided funding for…
· new seating
· air conditioning in the library classroom
· air conditioning in the uniform shop
· water stations and bottle filters
· large fan in school hall
· Year 7 scholarships
· sports scholarships
· Year 12 gifts
· Mathematics programs (Mangahigh & MathsOnline)
· Languages program (Education Perfect)
Financial Grants
The P&C are committed to supporting students who represent MFHS in their chosen field. In recognition of their achievement, and subject to approval, the P&C have much pleasure in offering Financial Grants for current students who represent Model Farms High School at Regional, State and National levels in their chosen field.
Please refer to the Financial Grants Policy for details and the application process.
Financial Grant Policy and Application Form
Contact Us
If you wish to know more about the P&C Association at Model Farms High School, please email our Executive team:
Your contribution does make a difference!
Constitution & By-Laws
The purpose of the Constitution is to provide more detail and clarity on the operation of the Association.
The Constitution is to be read in conjunction with the P&C Rules and By-laws.
Prescribed Constitution for Incorporated P and C Associations
Model Farms High School Parents & Citizens Association By-Laws
Model Farms High School Parent & Citizens Association Sub-Committee Rules