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Model Farms High School

Model Farms High School

Achieving Personal Excellence Through Quality Teaching

Telephone02 9624 3133

Year 7

Welcome to Year 7 2024

High School brings about new opportunities in academic, cultural, social and sporting activities. You will now experience working in science laboratories, cooking in kitchens, building in our workshops and creative lessons in our dedicated art and music rooms.. You will have the opportunity to participate in public speaking events, debating, sporting events, cultural activities, visual art and photography exhibitions, performing arts, business ventures and not-for-profit community activities.

We expect that you will strive to be your best, be respectful and care for others. At high school, you continue to build on the learning of primary school and aim to prepare yourself for work or further study. By attending every day, co-operating with your teachers and having your own high expectations you can achieve your dreams. 

Year 7 Book and Equipment List 2024

Assessment Information for 2024

Year 7 Assessment Calendar

Year 7 Assessment Procedures