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Model Farms High School

Model Farms High School

Achieving Personal Excellence Through Quality Teaching

Telephone02 9624 3133

Primary Links and Transition

Model Farms High School in partnership with:

  • Jasper Road Public School
  • Winston Heights Public School
  • Winston Hills Public School
  • Matthew Pearce Public School

MFHS has initiated, developed and implemented a range of  high quality programs to promote the successful transition of students.

Descriptions of Initiative

Primary Links: Lessons at high school for Year 5 students.

Purpose of initiative

  • To build confidence and enthusiasm in Year 5 students about transition to high school through a series of "taster" lessons.
  • To develop relationships between high school and primary school teachers as a foundation for sharing and co-operation and for developing other initiatives.

It is a fundamental necessity that learning experiences and learning outcomes achieved in primary schools act as foundations for experiences encountered in high school.  With the provision of first hand experiences for students in Year 5 during link visitations, cooperation and communication between secondary and primary teachers have been enhanced, ultimately providing a sharing of ideas and strategies which has improved learning outcomes for all students involved in the program.

Those students that have later enrolled at the high school have had a very positive attitude about their schooling and the staff have established an awareness of the range of abilities of their incoming enrolments.

Description of initiative

Four local partner primary schools have been invited to bring Year 5 for weekly "hands on" workshops.  The workshops have been diverse and have been provided activities which have best suited the needs of Year 5.  They have included activities in Science, Art, Drama, Woodwork, Food Technology, Computing and Agriculture.

The primary and secondary teachers work as a "team" during the lessons.  High school students act as presenters and mentors during the visits.

Progress to date

The program has run for many years. Strong relationships have developed amongst the schools. There are positive discussions between teachers related to classroom practice, curriculum and individual student needs. In particular, a survey of Year 5 students has enabled secondary program development to better identify interests and prior knowledge of the future Year 7 intake, influencing programming

Students entering the high school have especially had very positive attitudes to their learning and have shown informed commitment after their involvement in the links initiatives.

The program is embraced enthusiastically by Year 5 students and their teachers. The primary schools see the program as assisting them in preparing their students for high school. High school is "de-mystified" and "de-mythed" for many students.

Discussions between primary and secondary teachers have been effective and productive.  Links lessons have been challenging, have encouraged creativity, have promoted development of problem solving skills and have developed and fostered greater self esteem in all students.

The secondary teachers have become aware of knowledge and abilities across curriculum areas already developed in Year 5 pupils.

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